Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Don't Generally Believe in Public Hangings, But...

This guy definitely tempts my forgiving ass.

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Blogger DuggleBogey said...


You're saying Jesse Jackson should be lynched?

Do you want to stick with that story?

8:20 PM  
Blogger StB said...

Very poor choice of words. Now Duggles will be calling you a racist.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Bayne_S said...

David Stern:

"However well-meaning Jesse may be in the premise on this one, he is, as he rarely is, mistaken," Stern said. "And I would have told him so had he called me before he issued his statement, rather than this morning. But he is a good friend of the NBA and our players. Has worked arduously on many good causes and we work together in many matters."

"I don't Generally Believe in Public Hangings, But..."

We can see this isn't your 1st step to becoming future NBA commissioner but what are you thinking to go for the noose imagery?

I HATE when I find myself thinking Duggles is the reasonable one in thread.

12:22 AM  

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